Apply to Be a 

Teacher Leader

The Qualification & Selection Process

We are so glad you're interested in becoming a Teacher Career Pathways teacher leader! Once you review the qualification and selection process outlined below, visit Application to apply (Applications for 24-25' now closed)

TL Application Flyer 23-24a.pdf

What is the Qualification and Selection Process?

A joint NYCPS-UFT committee completes application reviews and interviews in order to determine the qualified pool of teacher leaders. Qualification is valid for two consecutive school years, at which point teacher leaders must requalify for the role. Teacher leaders can be staffed in any NYCPS school, and principals ultimately make all staffing decisions.

Eligibility: To be eligible to apply for MoT or PCT qualification during the 24-25 SY, teachers must be:

Qualification: In order to qualify for a TL role, teachers must  complete the following:

Selection: Each spring, principals receive details on the pool of eligible teacher leader candidates, and those qualified in their school, and are encouraged to make selections for the following school year. Note that all selection/staffing decisions are at the discretion of the principal.

Qualification Process Deck_Website and SM-A_2.26.21.pptx

Teacher Leader Ambassadors

The Teacher Leader Ambassadors (TLA) play the role of inspiring and informing prospective and current teacher leaders across New York City. The TLA role is held by currently staffed teacher leaders who believe in the power and importance of sustaining teacher leadership efforts and initiatives across the DOE. 

Learn more about the Teacher Leader Ambassadors Below:

TLA Bios: 23-24 Cohort

Meet TL Ambassador Emily Haines

Meet TL Ambassador Jorge Santos

Questions? Contact us: